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Edinburgh recent comments:

  • Edinburgh University Main Library, montana (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    An excellent seat of learning. There are books here on everything, except unfortunately how to live in a tenement and not piss off your neighbours: to whit, and I'll try to be brief: Having parties all the fucking time when everyone else has to get up early for a job (look it up in the dictionary), inviting thirty of your mates into a communal garden for a barbecue, getting pissed and screaming all fucking night even though it's pitch black; having a football match, smashing windows. Never cleaning the stair, which of course is covered in the pizza boxes and detritus you can't be bothered to deposit in the bins a whole 10 yards from the stair. I could go on and on. Think about your neighbours , please , just a little, you fucking selfish bastards. Rememer mummy and daddy aren't here to do it all for you anymore: it's called responsibility, maturity (also in dictionary). Fuck you all!
  • Police station, montana (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    If you need a police-person, don't bother rolling up here. Try Greggs. Nice to know our 'special' forces are ready to defend the interest of the common weal on a diet of sausage rolls and Irn Bru. Don't run, just walk fast. Sleep well, unless you habitually speed or ride your bike on the pavement, then by God the full wrath of her majesty's legal system will descend on you like the ground rising up to meet a suspect who has 'fallen' or 'resisted'arrest: both synonyms for getting a real pasting by a load of coppers who have a deep seated grudge against humanity. Do it to criminals and we'll get somewhere.
  • Old Dunbar end, Paul Hartley (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    i wish i could have been there to fuck the wee team again!
  • Matalan, sarah (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Oooooh! I didn't know there was one so close to my house.
  • Muirhouse, jockaye2 (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    am coming tae yoor hoose fae muirhoose ya bam
  • Taste Good Chinese Takeaway, jockaye2 (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    mind they dont clone your debit card though. pay cash, tip well & don't cheek the delivery guy. he's a gangster
  • Destiny Church Edinburgh, fionakelling (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    a fantatic lively welcoming church - come along and see for yourself. all welcome
  • Hunter Square, seaborgium (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Say hi to wee Jimmy, Shirley, Bandana, Frank and if that fat useless coward 'buckie' John is there, bitch slap him and tell him he's gay.
  • jolly, Dode (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    now called the 'Royal'
  • HMP Edinburgh, Toddy (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    I spent three years here between '95 and '98. Locking up bams and plastic hardmen for cash, easy money!
  • Diggers, Toddy (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Best pub in the world.
  • The Pubic Triangle, Toddy (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Get a pint and a swatch at a fanny! (Also available nearer Easter Road)
  • Robbos, FTH (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    great pub
  • The Westfield, yukky poo (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    what are herats ;-)
  • Fountainpark including Genting Club Casino, yukky poo (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    full of chavs and chavettes home of the ned & good for a pagger
  • The Kings Wark, Bee (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    also known as the "kirsty wark" by some locals
  • Old Dunbar end, Marius Zaliukas (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    I really enjoyed the particular day. Get it right up ye.
  • Greyfriars Church, Toddy (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    A truly beautiful church and peaceful Kirkyard. The local street drinkers are OK if you talk to them and will happily share their cider. Say hi to Robin and Craig, the sweetie wives in the church office if you visit.
  • Tynecastle Stadium, Toddy (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Spiritual home, my heart lies here
  • Old Dunbar end, Craig Gordon (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    haaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhahaaaahahaahahahaaahahaaaaaaaaaa pikeys :-D